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1801 S. 16th St. Wilmington, NC 28401 (Located Near New Hanover Regional Medical Center) 

5 Ways to Preserve Thinning Tooth Enamel

  • By Treman Dental
  • 06 Feb, 2023
Human teeth consist of several materials, from nerve-rich pulp surrounded by dentin to an outer covering of a hard substance known as enamel. Unfortunately, enamel can and does lose some of its strength over time. In addition to natural age-related wear, a variety of external forces can make your enamel thin and weak.

If your teeth appear yellowish despite your best efforts to whiten them, or if you can feel grooves or other worn spots in your teeth, you may need to make some lifestyle changes or pursue dental treatment options to keep your remaining enamel in optimal condition. Give serious thought to the following five helpful strategies.

1. Avoid Acidic Foods and Drinks

The acids in many foods and drinks can dissolve tooth enamel after repeated or prolonged exposure. This slow erosion can make your teeth unusually sensitive to heat, cold, sweets, and pressure while also raising your risk for cavities, abscesses, and tooth breakage.

If you worry about the state of your tooth enamel, minimize or discontinue your consumption of citrus fruits and juices, sports drinks, coffee, tomatoes and tomato sauces, sour candies, alcoholic beverages, and soft drinks. If you must drink acidic drinks, use a straw, drink the beverage quickly, and then rinse your mouth with water.

2. Get Treated for Bruxism

Bruxism, or unconscious tooth grinding, can wear down your enamel without you even realizing that you grind your teeth. This unconscious habit, which typically occurs during sleep, subjects the teeth to more pressure than normal, mindful chewing. This tooth-on-tooth pressure and friction will eventually wear the enamel down.

To prevent bruxism from damaging your teeth, ask your dentist to provide you with a personalized night guard molded to fit your teeth. This safeguard will cushion the enamel against the grinding action of opposing teeth. You may also want to get your tooth alignment checked since misalignment can sometimes cause bruxism.

3. Consider Dental Sealants

The enamel that covers your molars can face even greater threats than your front teeth, if only because they can prove so tricky to clean. The hard-to-reach nooks, grooves, and crannies of these back teeth often harbor plaque and tartar. Bacteria that feed on plaque and tartar produce acids that can erode enamel.

Many dentists recommend dental sealants for children who haven't yet mastered the art of dental hygiene. However, sealants can also safeguard adult teeth against acids and decay. Your dentist will apply a thin coating of resin to the molars' inner surfaces. Once the resin hardens, it can act as a protective shield for years.

4. Ask About Restoration Options

Some people may not realize that they have an enamel problem until much of the enamel has already worn away. If you have very thin enamel on your teeth, your smile may take on an unattractive yellow tinge because you can see through to the yellowish dentin. You may also find yourself enduring multiple fillings and root canals.

Dental restorations offer a degree of long-term protection and aesthetic improvement. For instance, if your front teeth have turned yellow due to thin enamel, you can have them covered with thin, tooth-colored veneers. If your back teeth need extra reinforcement, you can receive permanent crowns.

5. Use Fluoride as a Protectant

Fluoride toothpastes and rinses can actually strengthen your tooth enamel's resistance to acid erosion. Research indicates that this ionized form of the mineral fluorine attaches to calcium ions on the surface of the enamel. This action helps to preserve calcium that might otherwise get dissolved by acids.

For fluoride to perform this protective function, it needs to stay on the teeth for several minutes at a time. If you rinse with a fluoride mouthwash or brush with a fluoride toothpaste, give the fluoride time to work before rinsing out your mouth, eating, or drinking.

Family Dental Care of Wilmington can check your tooth enamel for weakness, provide the most sensible course of treatment for your condition, and advise you on best practices for keeping your teeth as strong as possible for many years to come. Contact our dental office today.

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